Preliminary Hazard Reviews & HAZID
- Completion of IChemE Hazard Studies 1 and 2 for multiple processes across an entire existing chemical manufacturing site, involving over 25 individual systems and studies.
- Front-end process safety review for a wastewater treatment plant upgrade
- Major new production introduction into an API facility involving four major synthesis and isolation steps with use of water reactive chemicals and exothermic reactions.
- €10m capacity expansion involving gas evolving reactions and unstable materials.
Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) & SIL
- SIL training and guidance for a major design and construction company
- SIL assessments across the entire manufacturing processes for the Irish site of a prominent international chemicals manufacturer. Consolidation and elimination of SIFs with significant capital savings.
- Fault Tree Analysis for the overheating and decomposition during drying of an unstable pharmaceutical intermediate, with Consequence Analysis (QRA) and TNT-based modelling of the explosion effects.
- Update of the Seveso Safety Report on behalf of bulk pharmaceutical manufacturer. Identification of major accident hazards (MAH’s), selection and development of representative cases, consequence modelling and likelihood analysis, as well as update and review of entire document
Thermal Oxidation
- High Level Review of a proposed Thermal Oxidiser Project on behalf of a bulk pharmaceutical facility. Addressed sizing (including opportunities for reduction at source), safety philosophy, and suitability of proposed technology
- Review of an RTO system failing to meet TOC and odour emission specifications
Vent Collection Safety & Vent System Trip Reduction
- Vent collection study for API manufacturer to determine the optimum safety and operational configuration for connection of an existing facility to a new Thermal Oxidiser
- Revised safety philosophy and proposed reduction at source measures to avoid spurious safety system trips and to meet EPA concerns, based around German standard TRbF20 and NFPA 69
ATEX, EPD & Hazardous Area Classification
- Update of Explosion Protection Document and revision of hazardous area classification for an entire fine chemical facility utilising IEC 60079 and IP15. Identification and classification of over 900 potential release points. Assessment of ignition sources base on EN 1127-1. Major focus on risk reduction through elimination and control of release points.
- High level review of EPD and HAC for a beverage sector facility.
Green Energy Technical & Economic Appraisal
- Proposed €15m Waste Plastic to Diesel Pyrolysis facility
- Major €100m Waste to Ethanol project involving Gasification and novel technology
Management Consulting & Business Continuity
- Design Process Re-engineering for a major construction firm
- Business Continuity project including Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment for a life-critical drug supply
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